Oct 16, 2011

Transparentsea Voyage

You may or may not remember about this when I mentioned it about a year ago on here. But the time has come. My friend Rasta and his friends have arrived in the states ready to embark on a month long journey down the coast to raise awareness about protecting our ocean marine life. The journey will follow the California Desert Whales as they migrate south. With four key stopping points along the way. I was going to join the crew for the OC leg of the trip but schedule conflict have only let me join at key stopping points now. Here is the link to the website and some photos from the opening event. http://transparentseavoyage.com/

The event van that I designed and installed

On my way to the opening event

Big anchor at the event site

The Harbor at Santa Barbara

Band of Frequencies

Hilton on the look out
More to come on this I have two more events to attend.

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